The Vegan Paradigm Shift® Teachings with Charlotte L. Cressey

Veganism is much more than a diet. It is a stance for and with the full-flourishing of all life. The inner shift that foregrounds the behavior we call veganism is an inner call to the path of awakening. You are here because you feel the call to something greater – for yourself and for all animals.
Do you know how special you are?
Your life is no accident.
You came here to this time and place for a reason.
And, there is no one just like you.
Only you can dance your dance and only you can sing your song.
You have vast reservoirs of potential locked up inside you.
It is time to take all you sense in potential and bring it into physical form.
Veganism is the missing key turning those potentials into reality.
Veganism here is not just a diet. We are talking about a way of relating to life – your paradigm.
A paradigm is a collection of beliefs about ourselves, the world, and what we believe is possible.
Like a thermostat set to a specific temperature, your paradigm either dampens or amplifies your God-given potential. And, sometimes, no matter how hard you to try to change, no matter how hard you push and apply your willpower, you just can’t change some area of your life because your paradigm, i.e. your subconscious programming, is “set” to limitation.
You’ve probably heard before wherever you go, there you are… you can travel the world and you will always find YOU with the same habits and habit of mind…
You experience an inner Springtime.
As you develop these deeper levels of relating to life, you will discover that everywhere you look creativity flows, life feels lighter, and at a certain point you will experience how serendipity and synchronicity becomes a way of life. The right people or ideas come at the right time … you are blessed with good fortune … because you are living in tune with the natural laws of life.
The Vegan Paradigm Shift® Teachings is a personal development system to take all that is in potential and bring it into physical form.