Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine

Leading Edge Teachings for the Advancing Human
with Charlotte L. Cressey

Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine


Do you sense something special you came here to do in the world?

Discover why The Vegan Paradigm Shift® is the Key

Sign up for the FREE WEBINAR

The Vegan Paradigm Shift® program is designed to take all that is in potential and bring it to reality.

Chances are that as you've studied veganism and been on a path of self-development, you noticed there is something entirely new, something beyond your past experiences, a future YOU that is calling you. This is your Future Self.

Your vegan path is not just a simple choice that you don't buy animal products. For you, this is a stand for and with the full flourishing of all life!

You sense that this impulse to grow, expand, and self-actualize is part of something grand.

Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine
Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine

If You're Ready to Jump Right In...

Sign Up here for the 8-Week Course

What you'll be introduced to in the 8-Week Course:

  • Why Veganism as a Paradigm Shift is the missing key for your mental, emotional, and spiritual freedom.
  • Learn to see yourself as the most powerful person in your life.
  • Eradicate your limiting beliefs.
  • Develop a compelling self-image and powerful new self-definition.
  • Understand paradigms, how they operate in a personal and planetary way, and how to change them!
  • Undestand veganism as the gateway to all human potential.
  • Learn how to Direct Your Destiny.
get the course


The Vegan Paradigm Shift® Teachings are a personal development system that integrates veganism as a positive way of relating to life to uplevel all areas of your life.

We focus on you: your mindset, how you see yourself, and how you see the world. Shifting at this root level, opens unprecedented potentials so you can experience the life you have up until now only dreamed about.

If you're ready for an upgrade, we're ready to show you how to get more of what you want in life.

Sign up for the FREE WEBINAR

Wake Up to Your "True Power" with The Vegan Paradigm Shift® 

Sign up for the FREE WEBINAR

To understand The Vegan Paradigm Shift®, we first have to define veganism.

A vegan is commonly defined as a person who avoids or abstains from animal products.

But, it is more than that. A vegan lifestyle isn’t just about diet or consumer choices. There is a deeper reason a person chooses to avoid animal products - it is the awakening of a deeper sensitivity and commitment to reverence for life.

More than what we say "No" to, veganism is a big "Yes" to life. A greater life for you and a better life for animals.

Veganism starts as a shift in how you relate - you begin thinking and caring about animals - and that causes you to make a commitment - avoiding animal products.

The impulse toward kindness is the first step. If cultivated, it can carry you forward to success in all areas of life.

Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine

Veganism is a way of relating to life - with love and respect.

The way you relate to life is the foundation for what you create in your life. Your assumptions about others, your attitude, your habits of mind - whether you tend toward positivity or negativity... these are what I mean by "relating to life." These patterns are inherited and reinforced by environment - unless and until you take charge and direct your way of relating - direct your mind.

It all starts in your mind.

Veganism is the greatest amplifier of human potential and foundational path to freedom for the human race.

What most are not aware of is the great shift in worldview - what I have coined as "The Vegan Paradigm Shift" that accompanies veganism. When understood at a deep level, veganism opens up vast reservoirs of potential in every area of the self and when embarked on collectively, has the power to change the world.

At the personal level: live as embodied love, see yourself as powerful, and experience life organizing around your success.

At the collective level: restore harmony with each other and all of life.

This loving way of seeing the benevolence of life opens new vistas for you. When you get this, you see how everything is possible.

Those dreams you had for your life ... don't give up on them. If you have the desire, that means you can do it. It is only your old mental habits that tell you otherwise.

Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine

Your habit of relating can be called your paradigm.

This is why I invite you in to seeing veganism as a paradigm shift. Not a diet. Not an insignificant, passing trend or choice you make one day on a whim.


rewrite your paradigm now

So, what is a paradigm?

"A paradigm is a largely invisible master operating system that defines the parameters of what we think is real, what we think is possible, and how we think.”                                                          -Dr. Alfonso Montuori

We have an internal paradigm that controls our thinking. Just as a thermostat controls the temperature in a room, our paradigm controls how we see the world and what we think is possible for us. It sets the upper limit. Your paradigm even controls what you see. If your paradigm is set to possibility, the sky's the limit. If your paradigm is set to suffering and "not enough," you will be hard pressed to see opportunities and you will lack the gusto to go for them.

Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine

What most don't realize is that their paradigm was "programmed" and therefore can be "re-programmed."

While we may have internalized a lot of love and positivity in our upbringing, the surrounding culture instills an invisible belief system of violence, lack, and limitation.

We are also brought up with these ideas:

  • it's a dog-eat-dog world
  • you have to fight to get by
  • eye for an eye

All of these habits of mind come from a sense of power-over, the idea that others are your adversaries and you only have one choice - conquer or be conquered - kill or be killed.

The Old Way: Power-Over The New Way: Power-With

Now is the time to let those antiquated belief systems fall away and make way for the new - partnering with all life. Knowing that our power is in connection with each other, the animals, the divine, and all life.

The Vegan Paradigm Shift® is a fundamental shift in relatedness from power-over to power-with, and a complete upleveling of what you know to be possible for yourself and society.

Like a love-propelled flywheel, it continues to gain momentum, picking up joy, positivity, and a sense of possibility along the way:

...renewing your zest for life even through hardship

...restoring your faith in humanity despite cruelty

...revitalizing your vision for your life despite setbacks

... like a drink of clean, pure mountain spring water, these teachings revitalize and refresh your mind, body, and soul.

What do YOU WANT?

Think seriously about What You Want.  Not what you've been conditioned to think you should want, but what do you really want?

Better health, a sense of peace, feeling a clearer sense of purpose, feeling you are contributing in a meaningful way to a better world?

The Vegan Paradigm Shift is the foundation to get it.

Whether you're looking to uplevel in the area of Health, Relationships, Purpose, Prosperity, Power, or Spirituality, the Vegan Paradigm Shift is the gateway to unlock your potential.

Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine
Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine
Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine
Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine
Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine
Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine
Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine
Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine

What most don't realize is that the way we relate to animals is foundational to our own self-image and what we imagine as possible for humanity.

Your paradigm is shaped by how you are raised to relate to the most innocent and the most at our mercy - the animals. That is where our true values are laid bare, and what most of us want to ignore. It is hard to face what is being done to animals, but it can be changed! That is the great news.

Will we stay stuck in fear and scarcity or will we open ourselves to the life of love and abundance that the animals and life itself are calling us toward?

Life provides abundantly for all and now it's just a matter of humanity getting our heads right when it comes to how we relate to all life.

Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine

Animals need your help!

If you arrived here as someone already involved in the vegan movement or animal rights, I want to personally invite you into these teachings. With your understanding of the magnitude of the problem, (the degree and enormity of the torture of animals) you know we need a solution of an even higher degree to compel us and all of humanity to make the shift and stay the course.

I have spent my whole life developing this, searching to the ends of the earth to bring together this wisdom into an easy-to-understand format and actionable plan.

This is the culmination of my quest to manifest a better world for animals, which I have been on since I was three years old. I guarantee, you will find a unique perspective not taught anywhere else. And, I'm not here to tell you how it is - you're the expert on you. I'm going to introduce you to some concepts to help you go higher - whether you're an activist, leader in the movement, dog mom, or an everyday animal lover like me. The Vegan Paradigm Shift® will empower you in your advocacy and you'll learn why this is the missing key for the future success of our movement.

Sign up for the FREE WEBINAR

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” 

- Buckminster Fuller

Futurist, architect, and creator of the geodesic dome

Build a new model for yourself and society with the Vegan Paradigm Shift®. 

Join us in the FREE WEBINAR

How the Vegan Paradigm Shift® Can Uplevel Your Life and Our World

This is the time of the advancing human - the individual who knows their true power and wields it for good.

Are you one of them?

You know you're a part of this group if you feel...

  • a yearning to be a part of positive transformation in the world.
  • you have a heart for animals.
  • you want to expand the power of your mind.
  • you want to learn to truly be all you came here to be.
Join us in the FREE WEBINAR
Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine
Vegan, Veganism, Vegan Mindset, Vegan Law of Attraction, The Secret Vegan, Vegan Spirituality, Vegan Spiritual, Vegan Paradigm Shift, veganism as a paradigm shift, Vegan Attitude, Animals & Spirituality, Self-Actualization, 5D Vegan, How to Create Heaven on Earth, Vegan Heaven, Vegan Christian, Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Bob Proctor, Prosperity, Abundance, Pre-Vegan, Ecofeminist, Nature Feminism, Vegan Luxury, Science of Getting Rich, Ralph Waldo Trine

Or if You're Ready to Jump Right In...

Sign Up here for the 8-Week Course

What you'll be introduced to in the 8-Week Course:

  • Why Veganism as a Paradigm Shift is the missing key for your mental, emotional, and spiritual freedom.
  • Learn to see yourself as the most powerful person in your life.
  • Eradicate your limiting beliefs.
  • Develop a compelling self-image and powerful new self-definition.
  • Understand paradigms, how they operate in a personal and planetary way, and how to change them!
  • Undestand veganism as the gateway to all human potential.
  • Learn how to Direct Your Destiny.
get the course