By learning to read the signs of the animals and nature you develop a finely tuned inner guidance system attuned to the greater frequencies of Life.
Nature is "the oracle." Answers come to you from nature through your consciousness, guided by the God of your own understanding. Heaven speaks through nature.
The greatest philosophers have espoused this wisdom and the most self-actualized individuals since time immemorial have immersed themselves in nature for good reason.
"Nature is the greatest luxury and our greatest teacher.
We bless all beings when we frolic in nature and listen to Her messages.
Additionally, as "advancing humans"... those on the evolutionary path... it is our duty to to work on behalf of all animals for their sovereignty, autonomy, and freedom.
Heaven on Earth is calling you to join the dance and chorus."
Charlotte Cressey
Messages From Animals
Each animal has a history, archetypal energy, and unique meaning.
Whether you keep encountering flies, a rabbit crosses your path, or a hummingbird hovers in front of you, they all have something to say. Your success and joy in life depends on learning to speak their language, as you are a force of nature and part of the great Web of Life; you dear soul, are one part of the beautiful, interconnected whole.

Doves represent peace, prophecy, and feminine energy

Cardinals represent renewed vitality through recognizing self-importance

Spiders represent the invisible, interconnected field of life, and subtlety. Goddesses Athena and Spider Woman.

Bears represent the power of the unconscious, and are connected to the Goddess Artemis.

Snails represent divine timing, patience, and protecting the vulnerable inner child.

Road Runners represent mental speed and agility.
You may have noticed the popularity of the word Spirit Animal or Power Animal. Many people aspire to acquire the energy of those animals they perceive as most powerful such as the eagle or lion. While most animals will be willing to support you from the invisible realm if you are pure in your intentions, they do not offer their wisdom to promote more human self-importance. They want us to know the power of all forms of life. The humble house fly has just as much to teach as the mighty lion.
The animals are not about pomp and circumstance. Nor is the practice of learning their language meant to further "exoticize" them as "other." Animals are our friends, kin, and allies. They have something to say.
It is not just wild animals who are our teachers. The domesticated animals humans use-abuse for food such as fish, chickens, cows, pigs, and those kept in laboratories are speaking to us daily and they have much to say to help us humans evolve.
Animals speak "the language of love" and they are eager for you to hear and communicate with them!
Learning the language of animals is easy and you will find that by spending time in nature, and listening to all animals you meet in your "day-to-day", you fall more deeply into communion with animals and in love with all life. As you begin to listen and inquire into each unique animal encounter you may get to know the individual animal and her/his message for you even as you are attuning to the overall species' representation, mythology, and symbolism.

Ted Andrews is the foremost teacher on animal totems, messages from nature, and how to use these insights to live your highest destiny. His soul shines bright today even though he has crossed over. Ted's teachings stand with stunning alacrity to support you on your journey.
We offer a prayer of gratitude for the great soul known as Ted Andrews and invite you to purchase his book, Animal Speak.
Animal Speak contains the basic animal totems. Animal Wise covers more unusual animals, and Nature Speak includes more broad information on communication with the Life Process through nature.
Unlike many teachers on spirit animals, here, we are grounded in a Vegan Ethic and are fluent in the language of all animals including those in confinement such as chickens, pigs, cows, and more.
When you learn to harmonize with the animals, they can become your greatest guides.
Charlotte has been talking to animals since she was born through what she calls The Language of Love.
It was this simple communion and recognition of their divinity that led her to stop eating meat so young.
She was blessed to discover the work of Ted Andrews, foremost teacher on animal totems, at age 19 and meet him at age 22. She has studied animals through personal experience with her hundreds of hours each year on the trails, inner work connecting with domesticated animals in her work to free them, and reading about their fascinating bodies, stories, histories, families, and way of life.
Charlotte integrates the wisdom of the animals in all she does and enthusiastically invites you to join in the symphony of nature.
Charlotte is a Natural-Born Energy Adept
She’s honed her gifts since childhood. Communicating with animals and learning to hear and interpret the messages of nature is her forté.

Charlotte has an interfaith background and can help you connect with nature in a way according to your unique path and beliefs.
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